Claude Aurand un des pionniers de notre atelier nous a quitté ce mercredi 10 novembre 2020 . Il est l'auteur de plusieurs sculptures dans le village de Marc la Tour où sa mémoire restera gravée dans la pierre. En août 2003 il est présent à gauche sur la photo avec la plasticienne ZAD, le sculpteur Iranien Iraj Emami et la sculptrice Sylvie Mouly .Sa malice fait mouche dans un article du journal La Montagne en aout 2001.
Il a déjà sculpté l'écolier devant l'école de Marc la Tour, il cache une fronde dans son dos..., il travaille alors à la Croix de Vaysse cette sculpture qui lui ressemble : un homme brise ses chaînes et se libère des anciennes servitudes.
Il a participé au Monument pour l'an 2000 en sculptant le cédérom qui évoque l'objet du nouveau millénaire.
L'accordéon au Pigeon rend au hommage à nos deux accordéonistes Robert et Claude Jaucent qui ont animé nos biennales dés 1999 .
Avec humour il sculpte cette grenouille qui sera volée... puis retrouvée sur la route de Vimbelle par la gendarmerie.
Le "picatar" le pivert en patois local avec son long bec acéré s'approche de la Croix de Vaysse.
Sa dernière sculpture inspirée d'un labyrinthe crétois nous invite à un long voyage ...
La maladie l'empêche de continuer le difficile corps à corps avec le granite. Il s'adonne alors à la photo accompagnant nos biennales, au modelage, à la céramique et devient Président de l'association Aux Arts et Cetera à Ayen où il défendra les artistes et les artisans d'art , comme il a défendu des années durant l'école publique.
Récemment il exposait encore avec sa femme Josiane à Larches où il résidait.
Que de bon temps passé chaque samedi pendant près de 10 ans à notre atelier qui se trouvait alors sous l'ancien préau de l'école. Le café du matin , les plaisanteries, l'apéro chez mon père...
Il nous a rendu une dernière visite lors de la biennale de 2019,
Nous rendrons hommage lors la biennale de 2021 à son talent, son franc parlé, son humour, sa convivialité appréciée par toutes celles et ceux qui l'ont côtoyé.
Robert Jaucent disait récemment grâce à lui je suis célèbre dans le monde !
Claude Aurand, one of the pioneers of our workshop, left us on Wednesday, November 10, 2020 . He is the author of several sculptures in the village of Marc la Tour where his memory will remain engraved in stone. In August 2003 he is present on the left in the photo with the artist ZAD, the Iranian sculptor Iraj Emami and the sculptor Sylvie Mouly . His malice hit home in an article in the newspaper La Montagne in 2001.
He has already sculpted the schoolboy in front of the school of Marc la Tour, he hides a sling in his back..., he then works at the Cross of Vayssa this sculpture that resembles him: a powerful man breaks his chains and frees himself from the old servitudes.
He participated in the Monument for the Year 2000 by sculpting the CD-ROM which evokes the object of the new millennium.
The pigeon accordion pays tribute to our two accordionists Robert and Claude Jaucent who animated our biennials in 1999 .
With humour he sculpts this frog which will be stolen... then found on the road of Vimbelle by the gendarmerie.
The "picatar" the local patois woodpecker with its long sharp beak approaches the Cross of Vayssa.
His latest sculpture inspired by a Cretan labyrinth invites us to the journey of...
The disease prevents him from continuing the difficult hand-to-hand with the granite. He then devoted himself to photography accompanying our biennials, modelling, ceramics and became president of Aux Arts et Cetera in Ayen where he defended artists and artisans of art for many years, as he defended years during public school.
Recently he was still exhibiting with his wife Josiane in Larches where he resided.
How much good time we spent every Saturday for nearly 10 years at our workshop which was then under the former courtyard of the school. The morning coffee, the jokes, the happy hour at my father’s...
He paid us one last visit at the 2019 biennial,
At the 2021 biennial, we will pay tribute to his talent, his outspokenness, his humour, his friendliness appreciated by all those who knew him.
Robert Jaucent said it again yesterday in front of his accordion to the Pigeon thanks to him I am famous in the world!
He has already sculpted the schoolboy in front of the school of Marc la Tour, he hides a sling in his back..., he then works at the Cross of Vayssa this sculpture that resembles him: a powerful man breaks his chains and frees himself from the old servitudes.
He participated in the Monument for the Year 2000 by sculpting the CD-ROM which evokes the object of the new millennium.
The pigeon accordion pays tribute to our two accordionists Robert and Claude Jaucent who animated our biennials in 1999 .
With humour he sculpts this frog which will be stolen... then found on the road of Vimbelle by the gendarmerie.
The "picatar" the local patois woodpecker with its long sharp beak approaches the Cross of Vayssa.
His latest sculpture inspired by a Cretan labyrinth invites us to the journey of...
The disease prevents him from continuing the difficult hand-to-hand with the granite. He then devoted himself to photography accompanying our biennials, modelling, ceramics and became president of Aux Arts et Cetera in Ayen where he defended artists and artisans of art for many years, as he defended years during public school.
Recently he was still exhibiting with his wife Josiane in Larches where he resided.
How much good time we spent every Saturday for nearly 10 years at our workshop which was then under the former courtyard of the school. The morning coffee, the jokes, the happy hour at my father’s...
He paid us one last visit at the 2019 biennial,
At the 2021 biennial, we will pay tribute to his talent, his outspokenness, his humour, his friendliness appreciated by all those who knew him.
Robert Jaucent said it again yesterday in front of his accordion to the Pigeon thanks to him I am famous in the world!
Claude Aurand, uno de los pioneros de nuestro taller, nos dejó este miércoles 10 de noviembre de 2020 . Es autor de varias esculturas en el pueblo de Marc la Tour donde su memoria quedará grabada en piedra. En agosto de 2003 está presente en la foto con la artista plástica ZAD, el escultor iraní Iraj Emami y la escultora Sylvie Mouly . Su malicia se refleja en un artículo del periódico La Montagne en 2001.
Ya esculpió al colegial delante de la escuela de Marc la Tour, esconde una honda en su espalda..., trabaja entonces en la Cruz de Vaysse esta escultura que se le parece: un hombre poderoso rompe sus cadenas y se libera de las antiguas servidumbres.
Participó en el Monumento del año 2000 esculpiendo el CD-ROM que evoca el objeto del nuevo milenio.
El acordeón a la paloma rinde homenaje a nuestros dos acordeonistas Robert y Claude Jaucent que animaron nuestras bienales desde 1999 .
Con humor esculpe esta rana que será robada... y luego encontrada en el camino de Vimbelle por la gendarmería.
El "picatar" el pájaro carpintero en patois local con su largo pico afilado se acerca a la Cruz de Vaysse.
Su última escultura inspirada en un laberinto cretense nos invita al viaje ...
La enfermedad le impide continuar el difícil cuerpo a cuerpo con el granito. Luego se dedicó a la fotografía que acompañaba a nuestras bienales, al modelado, a la cerámica y se convirtió en presidente de Aux Arts y Cetera en Ayen donde defendió a los artistas y artesanos de arte durante muchos años, como defendió durante años durante la escuela pública.
Recientemente seguía exponiendo con su esposa Josiane en Larches, donde residía.
Qué buen tiempo pasado cada sábado durante casi 10 años en nuestro taller que se encontraba entonces bajo el antiguo patio de la escuela. El café de la mañana, las bromas, el aperitivo en casa de mi padre...
Nos hizo una última visita en la bienal de 2019,
Rendiremos homenaje en la bienal de 2021 a su talento, su franqueza hablada, su humor, su amabilidad apreciada por todas las personas que lo han conocido.
¡Robert Jaucent lo decía ayer ante su acordeón en Pigeon gracias a él soy famoso en el mundo!
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