Ce dimanche 2 octobre nous voilà une petite dizaine partis à Brioude pour visiter l'exposition l'ultime Picasso et Jacqueline. Il fait beau la basilique saint Julien est un joyau de l'art roman auvergnat on peut y voir également les fameux vitraux contemporains du prêtre coréen Kim en Jong.
Nous voilà surtout captivés par la remarquable exposition préparée par jean Louis Prat au Doyenné un espace dédié à l'art au pied de la basilique dans le centre historique.
Les dernières années à près de 90 ans Picasso se révèle infatigable et tout aussi créatif dans un style d'urgence où jour après jour il revisite ses maître et prend pour femme et modèle la jeune Jacqueline Roque qui sera son épouse et muse des 20 dernières années.
Après la visite, assis dans la nef de la basilique, nous prenons un temps de parole où chacun donne ses impressions sur cette exposition où Jacqueline est omni présente : peinture, gravures, linogravure, et même sculpture et céramique. On y retoruve aussi le peintre ses ses archétypes le matador, les mousquetaires...A l'urgence avant la mort qui s'approche se conjugue le style elliptique et la virtuosité que seul un grand peintre peut montrer.
Prochaine sortie 6 novembre Lubersac Arnac Pompadour Concèze art Roman du bas Limousin .
This Sunday, October 2, here we are a dozen or so departed to Brioude to visit the exhibition the ultimate Picasso and Jacqueline. The Basilica of Saint Julien is a jewel of Auvergne Romanesque art and you can also see the famous stained glass windows of the Korean priest Kim en Jong.
Above all, we are captivated by the remarkable exhibition prepared by Jean Louis Prat at the Doyenné, a space dedicated to art at the foot of the basilica in the historic centre.
The last years to almost 90 years Picasso proved tireless and equally creative in an emergency style where day after day he revisits his masters and takes for wife and model the young Jacqueline Roque who will be his wife and muse of the last 20 years.
After the visit, seated in the nave of the basilica, we take a time of speech where everyone gives his impressions on this exhibition where Jacqueline is omni present: painting, engravings, linocut, and even sculpture and ceramics. We also retoruve the painter his archetypes the matador, the musketeers... At the emergency before death which is approaching is combined the elliptical style and the virtuosity that only a great painter can show.
Next release November 6 Lubersac Arnac Pompadour Concèze art Roman du bas Limousin .
Above all, we are captivated by the remarkable exhibition prepared by Jean Louis Prat at the Doyenné, a space dedicated to art at the foot of the basilica in the historic centre.
The last years to almost 90 years Picasso proved tireless and equally creative in an emergency style where day after day he revisits his masters and takes for wife and model the young Jacqueline Roque who will be his wife and muse of the last 20 years.
After the visit, seated in the nave of the basilica, we take a time of speech where everyone gives his impressions on this exhibition where Jacqueline is omni present: painting, engravings, linocut, and even sculpture and ceramics. We also retoruve the painter his archetypes the matador, the musketeers... At the emergency before death which is approaching is combined the elliptical style and the virtuosity that only a great painter can show.
Next release November 6 Lubersac Arnac Pompadour Concèze art Roman du bas Limousin .
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