Je suis née dans la province de Venise et j'habite à Salzano, près de Venise. J'ai obtenu mon diplôme, à l'âge adulte, en 2010 à l'Académie des Beaux-Arts de Venise, spécialité Décoration et j'ai participé à diverses expositions collectives. J'aime expérimenter l'utilisation de différents matériaux même si les derniers travaux sont principalement avec des résines synthétiques. L'expérience non seulement dans le 'workshop', mais toute la semaine à Marc La tour, invité avec deux autres artistes / amis italiens par Jacques Tramont, lui-même sculpteur, m'a fait vivre ce que Nicolas Bourriaud définit comme « l'œuvre d'art en tant interstice '[cit.], une espace de relations humaines qui permet la création de nouveaux liens et de nouvelles visions, 'l'art est un état de rencontre'[cit.].
Avec mon intervention sur le morceau de tronc de chêne de la Révolution française, j'ai voulu rendre hommage à la mémoire historique des événements douloureux du lieu et faire parler le tronc lui-même : un témoin impuissant des événements humains et en même temps un « être vivant » avec des temps et des espaces autres qu'humains.
" Je suis né quand les hommes ont fait un grand gâchis
Les hommes se sont entretués mais j'ai résisté j'ai pris des racine profondes là où je suis n'é et j'ai grandi avec mes grands parents et j'ai vu tant d'hommes passer ici et grandir et se battre et se tuer ... et s'aimer et puis de nombreux étés beaucoup de mes amis ont été coupés pour réchauffer lieux où vivent les hommes
Puis souvent quelque choses que les hommes appellent la guerre et beaucoup d'hommes ,de pères ,de mères et des petits ont été emmenés très très loin et jamais revus.
Tant de douleurs ont été noyées dans les larmes et puis un jour grandissant un grand incendie a brûlé l'endroit où ils vivaient et plus de douleur et plus de larmes ont été versés...
Beaucoup d'eau s'est glissée entre mes racines...
Et finalement moi je suis revenu au grand cycle de la Nature.
Samuela Scatto juillet 2021"
Samuela dans son œuvre nous parle de l' anthropocène cette période ou nous vivons sans mesurer les dégâts que l'homme inflige à la nature jusqu'à en transformer sa structure .Nous sommes quelques uns à avoir vécu l'abattage du chêne de Marc la Tour de la Révolution Française comme une agression à la mémoire de nos ancêtres. La main de Samuela et des artistes du workshop a su prolonger cette Histoire et rendre hommage à cet arbre bicentenaire que les hommes n'ont pas su sauver.
Sono nata in provincia di Venezia e vivo a Salzano, vicino a Venezia. Mi sono laureato, in età adulta, nel 2010 all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia, specialità Decorazione e ho partecipato a varie mostre collettive. Mi piace sperimentare l'uso di materiali diversi anche se gli ultimi lavori sono principalmente con resine sintetiche. L'esperienza non solo nel 'workshop', ma tutta la settimana a Marc La Tour, invitato insieme ad altri due artisti/ amici italiani da Jacques Tramont, lui stesso scultore, mi ha fatto vivere quello che Nicolas Bourriaud definisce 'l'opera d'arte in quanto interstice '[cit. ], uno spazio di relazioni umane che permette la creazione di nuovi legami e di nuove visioni, 'l'arte è uno stato di incontro'[cit. ].
Con il mio intervento sul tronco di quercia della Rivoluzione francese, ho voluto rendere omaggio alla memoria storica degli eventi dolorosi del luogo e far parlare il tronco stesso: un testimone impotente degli eventi umani e allo stesso tempo un «essere vivente» con tempi e spazi non umani.
" Sono nato quando gli uomini hanno fatto un gran casino
Gli uomini si sono uccisi a vicenda, ma io ho resistito ho messo radici profonde dove sono nato e sono cresciuto con i miei nonni e ho visto tanti uomini passare qui e crescere e combattere e uccidersi... e amarsi e poi molte estati molti dei miei amici sono stati tagliati per riscaldare luoghi dove vivono gli uomini
Poi spesso qualcosa che gli uomini chiamano guerra e molti uomini ,di padri ,di madri e di piccoli sono stati portati molto lontano e mai rivisti.
Tanti dolori sono stati annegati nelle lacrime e poi un giorno crescente un grande incendio ha bruciato il luogo dove vivevano e più dolore e più lacrime sono state versate...
Molta acqua è scivolata tra le mie radici...
E alla fine sono tornato al grande ciclo della natura.
Samuela Scatto luglio 2021"
Samuela nella sua opera ci parla di questo periodo in cui viviamo senza misurare i danni che l'uomo infligge alla natura fino a trasformarne la struttura . Siamo alcuni ad aver vissuto la macellazione della quercia di Marco la Torre della Rivoluzione Francese come un'aggressione alla memoria dei nostri antenati. La mano di Samuela e degli artisti del workshop ha saputo prolungare questa Storia e rendere omaggio a questo albero bicentenario che gli uomini non hanno saputo salvare.
I was born in the province of Venice and live in Salzano, near Venice. I graduated as an adult in 2010 from the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice, specializing in Decoration, and participated in various group exhibitions. I like to experiment with the use of different materials even if the latest work is mainly with synthetic resins. The experience not only in the 'workshop', but all week to Marc La Tour, invited with two other Italian artists/ friends by Jacques Tramont, himself a sculptor, made me live what Nicolas Bourriaud defines as 'the work of art as interstice' [cit. ], a space of human relations that allows the creation of new links and new visions, 'art is a state of encounter'[cit. ].
With my intervention on the piece of oak trunk of the French Revolution, I wanted to pay tribute to the historical memory of the painful events of the place and to make the trunk itself speak: a powerless witness of human events and at the same time a «living being» with times and spaces other than human.
"I was born when men made a big mess
The men killed each other but I resisted I took deep roots where I was born and I grew up with my grandparents and I saw so many men come here and grow up and fight and kill each other ... and love each other and then many summers many of my friends were cut off to warm places where men live
Then often something that men call war and many men, fathers, mothers and young were taken very far away and never seen again.
So much pain was drowned in tears and then one day growing a big fire burned the place where they lived and more pain and more tears were shed...
A lot of water slipped between my roots...
And finally I came back to the great cycle of Nature.
Samuela Scatto July 2021"
Samuela in his work tells us about the anthropocene that period when we live without measuring the damage that man inflicts on nature until transforming its structure . We are a few to have experienced the slaughter of the oak of Marc the Tower of the French Revolution as an aggression to the memory of our ancestors. The hand of Samuela and the artists of the workshop was able to extend this history and pay homage to this bicentenary tree that men did not know how to save.
With my intervention on the piece of oak trunk of the French Revolution, I wanted to pay tribute to the historical memory of the painful events of the place and to make the trunk itself speak: a powerless witness of human events and at the same time a «living being» with times and spaces other than human.
"I was born when men made a big mess
The men killed each other but I resisted I took deep roots where I was born and I grew up with my grandparents and I saw so many men come here and grow up and fight and kill each other ... and love each other and then many summers many of my friends were cut off to warm places where men live
Then often something that men call war and many men, fathers, mothers and young were taken very far away and never seen again.
So much pain was drowned in tears and then one day growing a big fire burned the place where they lived and more pain and more tears were shed...
A lot of water slipped between my roots...
And finally I came back to the great cycle of Nature.
Samuela Scatto July 2021"
Samuela in his work tells us about the anthropocene that period when we live without measuring the damage that man inflicts on nature until transforming its structure . We are a few to have experienced the slaughter of the oak of Marc the Tower of the French Revolution as an aggression to the memory of our ancestors. The hand of Samuela and the artists of the workshop was able to extend this history and pay homage to this bicentenary tree that men did not know how to save.
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